I ran across a reference to this great twist on an old idea while reading over a post at ronphilbeckpottery’s blog the other night. It’s a call to action for potters, ceramics collectors, and clay enthusiasts put out by artist Arthur Halvorsen in Boston. It’s called Operation C.U.P. (Citizens Using Pottery). The main thrust of the project… (and the beauty of it as well,) is to put a handmade cup in the hands of someone who wouldn’t otherwise buy a handmade cup. 
I do personally believe you can change the world with a few cups. Maybe not the world with a Big W, but the small neighborhood world that you live in. My kids and I have made a practice of handing out cups to people that we meet on our walks through the city, and the amount of goodwill it’s stirred up is heartwarming. It can be a fine way to pass on studio seconds or maybe it’s just some works that need to find a home to make room for new work. It’s a great way to make special friends this season. They’ll tell you about how much they enjoy the thought as time goes by.
To find out more about the project, check out posted links, and see some great cups, swing by Arthur ‘s Fan Page on Facebook.
Support the Arts! Buy handmade!
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