I was surprised by the results of the load of work with decals. I’ve gotten so used to seeing a kiln load of experiments head off in a direction other than what I had in mind, but this time things generally worked out how I had envisioned. My transparent green and transparent blue glazes milked up a lot with crystals, (bummer), but I didn’t put a whole lot of work in with those glazes so no big loss, (yea!).

The canisters were fun. Even the sides of smaller canisters provides a lot of real estate to play with. Now that a bit of time is opening up, I'm curios to explore a few the possibilities that are springing to mind.
All of those look amazing!
LOOOOOVE! I'm a sucker for embellishement!
love the raven cup... great combo or glaze and decal
Oh good lord. These are incredible! I may be helpless to resist.
*off to browse*
Curses! Only the skull canister is in your shop... and that raven cup had me in a flurry. Will you be posting decal pieces in your shop soon?
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