Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Everything dries r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w-l-y this time of year here in Northern California's San Joaquin Delta. It's a good time to get an early jump on throwing and assembling a load of teapots. At least I don't have to worry about them drying too quickly.


cookingwithgas said...

sometimes you have to get sick to take time off.
We played some Wii over Christmas.
It was fun!

klineola said...

I love these pots just the way they are with the newsprint text and torn edges of the paper!

Anonymous said...

slow drying is a blessing and a curse... nice shot of the jars tho. the knobs are great.

Tracey Broome said...

Somehow I missed the last post on Zelda.I love Zelda. When Wes was in elementary school, I would take her to school and sit and play Zelda all day. My favorite thing is the chickens in the courtyard!

Linda Starr said...

Michael took the words out of my mouth, I like the look of the paper on the pots. We're getting more fog here in the South valley this year than last, I'll bet it's the same up there too.

FetishGhost said...

Hmmmmmmm... getting the print and text to stay.... Michael may have something there...

Mr. Young said...

Sounds interesting, doesn't it?