Jim over on
Sofia’s Dad’s Pots had posted the latest in winter fashion accessories on his blog this morning. And I have to confess… I love monster fuzz... The furrier the better.

I’m not sure whether this counts as a sickness or a condition. I think the cause is buried somewhere in my upbringing, maybe it was the result of a secret Sesame Street plot, or possibly it was something in the water. I know a few of us that escaped from our hometown have a similar condition and I’ve noticed a whole lot of people with a similar condition.

I guess it was just a matter of time before one of us broke out in a Fuzz.
DJMermaid (she made the letter “M” one of my all time favorite letters in the alphabet) and her crew out in Oakland decided to take matters in their own hands and do something about it.
If you Love’em … Fuzz ‘em!
This stuff is Great!
I want a bat suit!
bats should be back in stock in about a month or so.
thanks SO much for posting this!
- M
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