A modem burnout 2 weeks ago really threw us for a stumble. It was easy enough to simply get a new one, but for some reason, the new one made for lots of new problems that took a huge amount of time and effort for our resident IT tech to sort through.
(Thank You Honey!!!!)
Tech dependant incomes have their lurking dark sides too!
The other big change for the house was a switch to homeschooling for our kids. I said it was a big change, but really it is a huge change! It but it’s proving to be a lot more fun than I thought it would be and the kids are making the adjustment amazingly well.
Here’s a few short recapping the past 2 weeks…

Had the lovely occasion to participate in a full kiln load of miscasts. This one is called a "cold shot". It's where the metal chills before filling the mould. The the others where "blowouts". This is where a crack in the mould opens up and the molten silver vents from the mold. This is also known as "God Dammit! I've just melted my vacuum hose lines!"
Cutting lots of stencils for this months ceramics run.
Trying something new.... enamels and lusters... oh my!
Started wadeing into getting the 120 bowls needed for the annual TideWater Art Gallery's Supper in Febuary.
65 down, 55 to go...
Working in collaboration with Bruce Cadman on a project heading back up to Sacramento... when is this due?
Wow you have been busy! What made you switch to home schooling the kidlets?
Walking my 6 year old into a classromm of 47 1st graders and being told that, most likely, there won't be any fulltime teacher alloted to the class. There are more reasons, but that kind of pushed us to make a decision.
Wow that is insane why must the school system be so messed up V_V With the home schooling how exactly does it work is it like a program?
It's a structured charter program called K12. They supply the textbooks, workbooks, computer, printer, lots of stuff. It was a structured program we were looking for. This would help my wife and I ease into this crazy idea.
congrats on selling that big crawly jar, not surprising... it was great. i'm on pins and needles to see what you do with lusters and enamels. been thinking about gold and platinum lusters for quite some time but haven't gotten around to it... maybe you'll inspire me again. i'm very curious about the homeschooling, i might email you off blog with a couple questions if you don't mind.
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