Just a quick spot of tool porno from
Adam Field’s demos at UOP on Tuesday. I just can’t pass-up posting a few of these tools that he shared with us. A few of these tools I had never seen before.

The kick wheel is a traditional Korean wheel he brought back. The set-up is a workshop mock-up of a studio throwing pit. Normallt the wheel head is at floor level and the pit walls are close enough to rest your feet on. The wooden wheelhead/drum was inset with bearings that simply slid over the steel shaft shown above. Just a single kick makes it fly...


Adam’s paddles and anvils have been carved from green wood and faced with leather. Adam said that these tools were kept perpetually wet and it showed… they looked like driftwood.
This is the handle of the anvil he uses for paddling the walls. Cool huh?
If you want to see Adam in action,
Click here to check out his videos on U-Tube.
ohhhh. Just when I had pulled myself away from the world of big pots, you have to post this. What a fantastic experience. What an incredible potter! I'm inspired... but must wait until after my shows!
cool tools, that anvil is unreal. i also like the platform to the left of him as he throws... not sure, is that to put his foot on so he can get more leverage while kicking? and of course the heat gun packed with clay to hold it in place is a great touch too.
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