It’s a very simple solution to a problem that pops up just often enough to be annoying.
This is the problem of the broken or misfit lid.
Like I said… annoying.
I generally limit my lids to just a few sizes to minimize the confusion but, for whatever reason, sometimes things don’t work out as planned.
A quick note for non-mudheads… Clay shrinks as it dries. With some types of clay it shrinks just a bit, (it’s still a fairly noticeable bit though), sometimes it’s quite a bit… and when work is fired in the kiln, it shrinks a lot! So pulling a measurement straight off a dried or fired piece of work can be problematic.
My fall back plan is the “Clay Ruler”.

Both are already shrunk so there is no guesswork math, I just note the measurement on my shrunken ruler and readjust my calipers using a regular ruler...

and throw a new lid.
(If you want to see my lid throwing process, click here...)

Now like I said, each type of clay body shrinks different amounts, so I’ve got different clay rulers for each clay body I use. I also have clay rulers that have been fired as well. A set of bisque fired rulers, and a set of rulers fired to cone 6 and cone 10.

As the old saying goes… He who dies with the most tools wins.
that's a great idea! i never heard of it before and i've had that problem before and chose to overwhelm it by throwing 6 lids and hoping one fit correctly.
You are always so informative. This is a great solution to every potters most annoying problem. Thanks!!
i agree abt racing to have the most tools b4 death over takes me. also, the clay ruler idea is great. your method of throwing a lid is interesting. looks like you threw from the hump? i need to ask the studio mgr abt that. it may make my lid throwing easier.
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