This is a special note: A few customers have asked about the small dark markings found on the center of the bases of some of the work coming out of the studio over the past year.
That would be my filing system to keep my cone 6 clay out of cone 10 kilns.
I've been developing strategies that allow me play in both worlds of cone 6 electric and cone 10 atmospheric firings. To pull this off, I absolutely must keep the two bisque clay collections separated...

To keep from creating ceramic puddles in cone 10 kilns, something which is defiantly not an "Oops... sorry" any kiln owner ever wants to hear, all cone 10 work gets a iron micro dot on the base as it's made... no dot... no go. Work simply can't get into a cone 10 kiln without the dot.
SMART in my book- there you go thinking-very smart!
Smart idea. I have melted pieces in a cone 10 and it's not pretty. When I was experimenting with ^10 if I had any doubt at all the piece was tossed. I was using Phoenix and Raku clay from Highwater, hard to tell apart....
very good idea
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