Friday, September 12, 2008

Empresso Coffee House

This is my local coffee shop on the Miracle Mile in Stockton, California and I love it! It makes an excellent dark roast and an excellent special drink that me and the kids LOVE... the Chunky Monkey. Yum! The fact that it's 100 feet from my studio's backdoor rocks!

It's at the end of my block and it's inhabiting an old movie theater lobby while the owner develops the rest of the building into a small collection of restaurants, bars, and a live dinner theater.

Part of the reason I'm swooning over this coffee house, is that, in the tradition of top shelf coffeehouses, they really support the local arts in the community by bringing in the Arts, with poetry readings, lots of great music, and they are very receptive to working with local artists like me.

This is the 2nd year that they've let me sell my seasonal Harvest Halloween Cups at the front counter and it's been a wonderful opportunity to mount a micro one man show for 7-8 weeks, rotating out works on a bi-weekly basis. This is has been a fantastic opportunity to promote my studio within my immediate community.

So far this season I've been presenting some of my favorite spooky cups. I've been showing the commons and racers that I've made this year. So far it's been very successful. I've really enjoyed meeting everyone and people are showing enough interest to keep me busy through the fall. In a small tight local market, small victories are significant victories.

Thank You Everybody!

1 comment:

Hyla said...

Awesome! Congrats!