Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Think'n I Like It Dry

I pulled a few samples from yesterdays gas kiln as it was cooling. These cups are testing 3 Flashing Washes made using a basic 30/70 mix of soda ash to clay mix. Different clays are switched out of the mix to test. The washes are really meant for salt or soda, but I'm looking for dry surfaces to play with this spring and I'm happy to see the results.



Tennessee BallClay

Nice diversity,
time to find more clays to test.


Liz said...

Lovin those surfaces. Makes me want to touch them.

Mr. Young said...

Me too! They have a dry look to them... except the ball clay at the bottom.

Linda Fahey said...

I love your work! the red art is GORGEOUS!

jim said...

damn joel, all three "dry" ones look great to me. you got a little halo action on the middle one... nice. but all three look like winners.

Ron said...

Looks good. What makes the ball clay one more shiney?... silica content of the clay maybe?

julietteisdead said...

redart is great! looks dirty, just how i like.

Lenore said...

hello!! i love yours creations!! and specially your creations with Skulls and Bones!!! *^_^* hé!hé!hé!