Who says potters don't get enough exercise.
As we pull into the last week and a half of finishing this years contribution of bowls for the TideWater's yearly Souper Supper, I feel the need for one last nod to last years' contributing ceramic artists. They produced over 200 works specifically for this event.
I wish everyone had a link that I could link to, but alas... it's a new age we live in.
Contributing ceramic artists for 2009's event last February were...
Bruce Cadman
Frank Sheldon
Glenda Burns
Helen Dollahite
John Lechner
Linda Osborne
Steve Pate
Viva 2010!
See you there!
I know I’ve said this before… nearly all of what I do in the studio is analogous with “singing in the shower”… I do it for mostly my own amusement and, from where I’m standing, I usually enjoy the results. This strategy is loosely based on the idea that if I can’t sell what I’m making, it better be something I can live with because... well… I’ll be living with it. So with that in mind, I put my head down and I keep busy. I think a whole lot of us approach what we do in the studio this way.
My studio blog was originally started with the same thoughts in mind. It was simply a studio diary that gave anyone that might be interested a bit of insight into the studio life of a niche ceramic artist in Northern California. The blog had a purpose… it was simple… it was to show people that I wasn’t simply pooping out studio ceramics. (Some artists may actually do this… not me… I joyously sweat mine out.)
The blog has changed and grown since then. It wouldn’t have gone very much further if it wasn’t so much fun… so it’s back to that “singing in the shower” analogy… (I really do enjoy myself).
Now I’m still in this shower (just to keep the analogy going), but now I’m finding a whole lot more people in here singing away too! A whole lot more! Most everyone seems to be enjoying themselves grandly while singing a different tune.
A golden moment happened a few weeks ago…Meredith from WhyNotPottery asked me if I’d be interested in stepping out of the shower and show what I got… (just keeping with the a fore mentioned analogy going so to speak).
It was an inventation to show at the “Clay and Blogs; Telling a Story” exhibition in Seagrove, North Carolina along with 32 other fellow ceramic artists. It’s a group of artists and writers that I am very, very honored to be asked to stand up with.
Just as a special note, the behind the scenes on this show has been a big hoot so far, so stay tuned on this one… the chorus from the shower could get REAL good!
Ok… for all of you that thought it'd be a good idea and lots of fun to encourage a little man to keep "Dreaming Big"… here's site number two for a proposed adult arts center.
It's a bit dilapidated, (note the fence on the sidewalk to keep the curious from getting their heads caved in by souvenirs from the buildings crumbling façade… Cool).
Admittedly it has issues. Being a bit of a fixer-upper is top on the list. The Spooky neighborhood is a close second…
Cool huh?
Well this must have started with a wish… I had been feeling a bit burnt at the edges the past few weeks. I’m not sure why exactly. I have suspicions… but hey… my for the record answer is that, “Over the years, I’ve become a sun child and, seasonally, the weeks of overcast skies doesn’t do me (or anyone around me), a bit of good. “ That’s for the record.
I haven’t played much in the way of video games since the kids were old enough to effectively monopolize the controllers, (honestly I really haven’t had the time to blow anyway), but…. This is where the wish comes in… I got the flu!
It really worked though… I’m feeling much better now and it’s back to filling spring orders.