Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I'm finally getting to enjoy the results of shrinking things down to Demi size. I've been reluctant to create works for this smaller size. I've been part of the BigGulp society for so long, that's what I felt comfortable carering to. I understood the need.
But I haven't had a BigGulp for years, and now, I enjoy smaller droughts with lots of leisurely refreshers.

I understand the need...

A 1/2 pound of clay makes a light 3" high by 2.5" Yunomi. 
Perfect for a noon tea or a early nightcap.
It feels great in the palm of the hand, (the hand just wraps around it). Warm tea feels really good nestled in the hand. 
The Hamada White worked like a tried and true dream, but it's the dry glazed surfaces that are icing on my cake

Happy Dance!


cookingwithgas said...

Now you are trying to steal my heart away!
Where have you been hiding that color with red tones and black! I like your blue but that just calls to me!
We make a small "juice" cup and it is our best seller.

Unknown said...

Oh, I LOVE little yunomis. :)

jim said...

those are purdy lil' cups there. i've got the opposite problem where i keep thinking i need to make some big gulp cups.

connie said...

Those are mighty fine!!! When can they come and live with me?

ang design said...

oh yeh!!

FetishGhost said...

This is just gett'n better and better...

Unknown said...

I definitely need one of those.