Small bowls thrown off the hump are summer favorites for our local chefs. At this scale, these are like little Haiku(s) in clay. Twenty-five pounds of clay can say a whole lot in quarter pound lumps.

New this year is to simply mark 1 and 2 tablespoon measurements on the interior...

using uncooked rice to measure out volumes in the interior of bone dry greenware.

A dot of cobalt slip will burn through my liner glaze.
Oh- I love them- then again I have a bowl fetish and these would be great to have!
What a clever idea with the dots- does that take in the shrinkage of the clay? I am all about shrinkage since I started this tile project....
what a wonderful idea; I could just see these lined up on one of those cooking shows with the ingredients already premeasured for the viewing pulic.
It takes the shrinkage surprisingly well. measuring and dotting late in the leather hard stage seems to minimize any marked difference.
In use you just fill until you don't see the dot and you're good to go.
sweet little bowls, clever measuring idea too.
I want these as well.
very sweet ...i like em
Me too, M
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