I couldn't stand waiting for parts that I needed to fix the old kiln any longer. I've got a back log of work ready for bisque and glaze, deadlines for 3 shows are literally days away, and most importantly, I get really antsy when I don't get these ideas out of my head. I draw them out in my sketchbooks, but quite frankly that just seems to "draw out" the problem. (that's not a joke.)
The solution was a bit drastic, but reversible... I cannibalized the top ring of the kiln to get the studio moving again. My old 7 cubic foot kiln is now 4 and a half at best. Dropping from 27" to 18"...
This is already shaking things up a bit. Kind feels like my pants are too tight.

well at least its an option and you can still fire...so whats happening with the spare part???
Well... that's a good question. Do I squirrel away this section in hope of reuniting it with it's mate... or do I use it to carry out a nefarious pyromaniacal experiment to create a really short run of soda fired cups before it hits the dump?
ooh im all for the soda fired experiment!!!
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