25% Magnesium Carbonate
70% Nepheline Syenite
5% Kentucky Ball Clay (OM4)
This is the basic recipe of the crawl glaze that I've been playing with over the past few months. I found it buried in an old sketchbook scrawled in a corner of a page. It was from 8 or 9 years ago during a time when I didn't have any sort of studio access and was sucking up as much information as I could get my hands on. The recipe is attributed to a October 2000 Ceramics Monthly article on page 49, unfortunately I failed to note who the author was. (Hopefully someone can help me rectify that.)
This glaze is very temperamental and you need to place it in the kiln asap after dipping. The glaze will crack and begin to pull away but not quite fall... unless it's disturbed. It's very sensitive to thickness.The glaze will behave very differently based on what's under or over it.
Here's a link to a February post showing some of my experiments... http://fetishghost.blogspot.com/2009/02/test-yumoni-for-crawling-glaze.html
Experiment and have fun and please share any successes or failures you have.
that is one beautiful piece... i may just give it a try. was wondering, i use a cool down cycle on my kiln... do you think this would adversely affect the crawling (heal it)?
A cool down cycle won't adversely affect the visual outcome of this glaze. It's finicky, but it's really stable once it's firing. It can be kind of volatile in combination with other glazes, but that's where it gets interesting. The piece in this post had a good layer of cone 6 Blue Hare's Fur under the crawl glaze.
thanks for sharing, and take a look : www.ceramiczny.blogspot.com
The mag carb is what makes this glaze what it is. It alters the surface tension in such a way to make it pull in on itself. But... adding oxides or maison stains to the recipe does get interesting results. Please share the results if you give it a go!
The author to that CM October 2000 article with all the awesome glazes is Rick Malmgren. He in turn credits Richard Burkett for this texture glaze. Will definitively try this glaze. Great website, great work, thanks for sharing.
Thank you Sue!!!
You Sir, have some very serious skills.
Plus the sharing of "secrets" (aka your personal experience with certain techniques, glaze recipes/trials and your creative inspirations) always help put into context some of my own meanderings. The combination of your talent and your hard work are always very interesting and inspiring ... so thank you much.
vorrei sapere se, per finire, questo smalto funziona
Can this be used with another glaze underneath?
Hi I'm in new zealand and have been using this glaze for a few months, just love it. Its good over all my glazes and really nice on bare clay. Firing to 1200oC in an electric kiln.
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