Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Blue blue Blue

Unposted from 09/07/2016 with text added.

This was a beautifully simple project that went through the studio 3 years ago (2016) done in collaboration with my partner Jessica Fong. We only made a handful of these yunomi before we moved on and now, looking around, they are all gone.

As usual, I’m surprised that they disappeared so fast, they had a discordant look and feel to them. Maybe that was the attraction... The unfamiliar flower is the siren call of bees.

The nice thing about a successful project is that once it’s done, it doesn’t need to be done again. Time is better used to explore and grow, not rehash a minor victories.


gz said...

we try to move on...and Mick Casson, a little after his exhibition "50 years a potter" had some fresh ideas...yet some shops wouldn't take them as they were different, although still his good work

Anonymous said...

I displayed my painting and within a month was able to sell one art work
I have appointed ACF for social media also to handle my next exhibition
website - artdirectoryindia.in