Saturday, February 8, 2014

Authentically Grayson Perry

I got hooked on Grayson Perry just recently thanks to Ben Carter's Red Clay Rambler podcast. Ben mentioned Grayson's Reith Lectures series and after spending a few days of listening to them I found myself rethinking our roles both as artists and communicators of ideas.

We choose our roles that live. 
We can let others tell us what they are OR we can define these roles ourselves.

If you do just one thing to push yourself forward this week, download the Grayson's Reith Lectures and give them a listen while you are working in the studio. Go ahead and put it on repeat. Let it soak in. You don't have to agree with it all, but it can make a difference.

Well done Grayson


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing!
Especially: Opening the kiln is like an excercise in controlled disappointment.


Linda Starr said...

thanks, sometimes I feel like this - "we can change the virtual world but are powerless to change the world around us"

Midori said...

I like to listen to him. He says what lots of people feel, but don't say loud. He tries to be honest. That's what I like.