Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mucking Around

Sometimes the best way to get a messy job done is by making it sound like something that might be fun doing...

I really hope Sam had fun mucking out the clay trap at the UOP ceramics studio this morning... I know I got a few great laughs watching!
Here's to a job well done... Cheers Mate! 
Roll in the glory.


Unknown said...

Ew.. that doesn't look like fun, but I bet it's less disgusting than mucking out underneath a grain bin. ;)

FetishGhost said...

Hey Becky, not many would have any idea what surprises lurk under the grain bins, I do... That's WAY too much glory for me to roll in.

Unknown said...

I figured you would know what I was talking about. ;)

jim said...

gaaahhw, that looks like what i did today except fortunately for sam, his muck is clay.

FetishGhost said...

I'm getting your drift Jim, (I think I can smell it from here anyway...)

ang design said...


Mr. Young said...

Done all three, would prefer the clay trap!