Saturday, September 11, 2010

Trent Burkett at the Reynolds

 Surface... it's all about the skin of an object.
Form is fantastic, balance is a must... looks... well that's a matter of taste, but when you touch something, it's very much about the skin.

Hands enjoy their unique sense of taste just a much as the mouth or nose.
Potters develop a very specialized feel for their craft that shadows their personal  work. There is a top shelf... and getting to actually pick-up and explore this quality of work is a real treat.
Surface, skin, form, and balance...

Imagination and inspiration...

And a touch of the kiln gods...

Local Professor Trent Burkett makes "Potters Pots"... Magnificent!

These are a few "Pot"perotsii shots from show this week at the Reynolds Gallery here in Stockton California.


ang design said...

the display is brlliant too.. strong and simple... noice!!

carter gillies said...

Great post! Thanks for sharing.

Linda Fahey said...

OMG, I love that piece white with the stripes! want!