Monday, August 30, 2010

Tea Time

 One of the best things about the switch to a 17 cubic foot kiln is that there's enough space to invite friends to play too. Just show-up with bisque and glaze 'em up on the spot using the studio glazes. The 2 teapots above are made by Bay area potter Matt Brown. These look great even without any handles put on yet!

Here's one of mine... I'm using this as a bribe to set-up a display of locally produced teaware at our neighborhood Sushi House.


am said...

it's super fabulous!

Linda Starr said...

Those teapots are super, what kind of handle will Matt's have? Is your's one of your crawl glazes, love the big spots.

jim said...

oh damn, those are nice... that cannister is to kill for. i should think the bribe will work. really beautiful.

ang design said...

wow super firing then did you do any amber in that load? love the teapots!!

FetishGhost said...

I'm spending a lot of time and inventory here in my local venue of Stockton. I'm just trying to get ceramics out in front of people here. If what I'm putting in front of them isn't something noticeably beyond what Target or ClayBarn offers, its a totally wasted effort. I'm trying to avoid the controversial angle, But I am drawn to the existential and simple narratives.
Honestly, I'm just trying to get people here used to seeing and handling decent work and hopefully pull in a few more developing craftsman. It's still very much a matter of market development. Was I answering a question or was that a post?