After all the think'n about Art vs craft and the general lack of ability to critically write about what it is exactly that we are doing, (here's the link to the editorial that's got a lot of us think'n)... I had to take a break and get back to fun.
Bruce Cadman brought by 2 more teapots to put through the photo booth this morning. These are just getting better and better.
Whatever you think about his work, it does make you stop and look.
why think when you can have fun with these great teapots!
hmmm... boobs, i think bruce shares an obsession with about half the human race. fortunately, he's turned his into something aesthetically pleasing in an entirely different way.
I've got to show these to Gary, he also enjoyed your appendage post, he said that's what he made in his first and only pottery class.
I'm still waiting to see the results of the "Appendage" too. It managed to get glazed in a retro 50's glossy black(no comment) before all of my kiln woe's got going. The lamp artist says it's done but I have to wait to see it unveiled at Saturday nights art salon.
I think I'll stand next to the door just in case it goes badly...
booby galore (james bond reference ;) Bruce was in the space at Davis this year so I had the opportunity to talk with him and see his work up close! I love it! I love what he's done with the vargas girl!
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