I've been a dipper for years, gimme a bucket of glaze and I'm set... but at larger scales I simply can't afford to whip-up big enough batches to dip effectively and pouring just hasn't proved to be reliable. It's been one of the factors that has been limiting the scale that I work with.
The above work came out of the kiln this morning and a major change is afoot...
I'm finally giving an air gun a go... REVOLUTIONARY!
This is in a last minute effort to create a new body of work for this weekends block party, (more on that later). With the death of Half Pint last week, I pulled the pity card and rented Bruce Cadman's kiln for two weeks.
It small, but so far, it's keeping me dancing! Better dance quick cuz it's going home real soon.
I finally got a compressor once I started making bigger pieces. I love dipping and pouring, and the spray gun took a little getting used to, but I love it now!
Have fun filling that kiln!
Happy Spraying and good luck getting the work out before the weekend.
beauty pieces joel... i really wanted to spray when i started years ago but still don't have a booth to do it in.
Once again, beautiful work!
I too love to dip, but with big bonsai containers, it can get a bit tricky. I spray, and although it requires lots of taping and masking, the application is much more controllable for me I think.
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