Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I'm starting to habitually look up, scanning the clouds for any signs of falling anvils or baby grand pianos headed my way. It's just been my luck lately, I think I must living under the view of an evil eye. The kiln I rented is an old Paragon kiln rated to cone 10, but it's stalled dead at 1389 F.

Time to shut down and quickly come-up with a plan C.


Ron said...

Crap, wish you were closer I'd be happy to help out. (as I'm sure many of us would). Keep us posted.

julietteisdead said...


FetishGhost said...

Thanks Ron... I hate whining in public, time for plan "C".

Linda Fahey said...

oh no. that is a sickening feeling. Sorry FG.

Liz said...

yikes, man I would totally help out if I were closer. I completely get the frustration. I had a problem like that with my old kiln years ago, turns out the connections were loose, tightened em up, and got a few more years out of em. Maybe the kiln faeries will bring you a new one, will make a wish for you.

cookingwithgas said...

can you get a ticket!?
If you were here we could hook you up- sucks big time.
I hope you find something soon!

Unknown said...


Cara Zavisho said...

I can't remember if you said that you have checked the power coming into the kiln. Maybe the problem is the electrical service. Do you live in an area that has high electrical usage during certain times of the day. Sometimes that can cause problems too.

FetishGhost said...

Emptied out the kiln an fired it up to see what glowed and what didn't... 2 out of 4 elements didn't.
Time to open up the control panel an see if Liz was right suggecting loose connections(I'm really hoping that she is right...) or whether it's broken elements.
Still working on plan "C".

Rob Addonizio from Taiko-Earth said...

What a headache...and I thought using a gas kiln was tricky!

Get well soon!
