This was a bit of an indulgent weekend. Matt Brown of MossBeach Cermics, came inland over the hill from the Bay Area to attend a "Willow House" function. (The work shown was some of what Matt brought along with him to share...) This is a developing new arts project for our neighborhood that pulls from the old ideas that surround the concept of an Art Salon. Ideally this is an opportunity for artists, curators, educators, and patrons come together for a night of discussions about evolving ideas, aesthetics and defending and new works through a critical process.
It makes for a good night.

Anyway, Matt is just one of the many reasons that I love Etsy. I met him a year and a half ago though the Etsy's MudTeam and we quickly became great friends! Now I look forward to making the best of any chance to get together just to talk shop for hours and hours. This is something that is totally lost on non-obsessed MudHeads...
Thanks for coming out Matt!
A great way to start spring! Cheers!
know what you mean joel, i recently found someone local to go have a beer with and talk pots, it's amazing how much fun it is to talk for hours about clay and not worry that the other person is bored out of their skull
Tell me about it Jim! My wife can't understand why I would want to talk about my "ugly" handmade ceramics (her words not mine) all the time... wish I had some potters around here to talk to. :-(
he he he... This is a wonderful entry Joel. Thank you so much for your ongoing hospitality.
I agree with you and the posters here. Being face to face in clay is absolutely wonderful. I learn SO much from you everytime we talk. Ceramics is a subject of infinite depth and interest. I can talk for hours. My wife, fortunately, is interested and does some ceramics so I don't bore her too much.
I want also to add that the Willow Street Gallery's Salons are superb and very much worth going to. If you are around the middle of California, then you ought to let Joel know that you'd be interested. I didn't get any sales, but it was a real event having to explain your work and "defend" it to other artists and patrons. A real step in what you need to do as an artist I think.
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