Here is one of the joys of this bowls project... getting to collaborate with other artists just to see what happens. The jewel from last weeks reduction firing was from one of these collaborations... the piece is by local ceramic artist, Mitch Smith. He brought in 10 pieces of greenware to the studio and was brave enough to let us play with them and see what would happen.

The bottom half is glazed in a mystery Shino, the top and interior is OxBlood with a Colman Red over it.
A few more pictures of
Mitch's bowls are over at our sister site
Awesome looking piece. Very nice.
sweet! what a luscious pot.
very nice!
Fill it up please!
The glaze is awesome (as usual) but that weird shape is what really got me. Did he throw an enclosed cylinder and cut it in half? I might just try that!
Wow...that whole basement image looks like something I would encounter!!
Good luck...
Great pot, I've handbuilt a form like that, but didn't like my foot, this one works well with the form.
collaboration is a winner... i've been hoping to have time for jeff campana and i to do a collaboration piece or pieces for the show. it should be a hoot.
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