Last month my wife and I noted of one year Etsyversery, but it’s this month that we are celebrating a year since our first post on Etsy.

Quite honestly, I think that first post was one of those amazing unexpected pivot points where you can feel your life shifting and moving in a completely new direction. This change was no small thing for me… I literally couldn’t turn on the laptop my wife had gotten me, I had no idea how to get on the internet and just about lost it the first time the damn thing went into hibernate. Now, really big chunks of my studio activities are connected in some way to the web and I’m thourghly enjoying learning to work as part of larger communities. Another big thanks to Etsy! I’ve met so many great customers, craftsmen, and artists through our stores and street teams. A big shout out to the Etsy Mud Team and the always amazing SteamTeam! Thanks everyone!

It’s been an incredible year! This just keeps getting better!

Licks, Love, & Luck…
Happy Etsy-versary my dear! I for one, am quite glad you learned to use the internet. :-)
Just keep doin' what you've been doin' thus far, and everything will be a-okay.
Congrats on the milestone, joining etsy sure changed my creative life as well.
Hooray! Happy Etsy-versary.
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