Friday, April 19, 2013


AKAR Yunomi Invitational 2013

For the past 5 years I've enthusiastically watched this particular parade go by. Every year it's a carrot dangling in-front of my nose.

I know I'm not alone when I look at all the amazing works by so many of our contemporaries, both favorites and unknowns, and day dream seeing my work there among them, (they even have little red dots!)

But every year I just don't ask, so there's no disappointment in being turned away, but alas there's no swooning success either.

But this year is different....

It's my daydream, so here are a teaser of what I would have LOVED to put in the parade!
And just like at the show, they are for sale! 

Head on over to my ETSY for a closer look.

(PS the NaKAR is for "Not quite akar", only said with love...)


barbaradonovan said...

There is no reason your cups shouldn't be there. I think they'd fit right in.

Mr. Young said...

I agree! In that $100-$125 range!

Unknown said...

Wow, they are must be sold. I know I'm late but I was hoping to view some beautiful yunomis! And I think your are very worthy!

Connie said...

oops! I don't know I came up as unknown! I guess today I am the unknown commentor!

FetishGhost said...

Strange and stranger...