Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gateway Ceramics

With the holidaze coming quick, it's time to play just a bit. I'm doing my own version of the C.U.P.S. project here in mid-town Stockton.

The game is to put as many cups in local strangers hands as I can.
It's all rather random. 

 Works are left scattered to be found with notes tucked inside, and boxed pieces are handed out to strangers who prove to be friendly.

Getting to put light hearted and fun handcrafted pieces directly into hands that wouldn't otherwise get to handle my work... That's an impact that I enthusiastically support. It may be base, but it's a foundation for developing a local following and it definitely fosters an appreciation for our craft.


TantMossig said...

These cups are fantastic. Very nice!

Linda Starr said...

Love the eyes and that you're passing them out, how wonderful.

smartcat said...

Those eyes!.....and what a terrific idea to get work out into the world

smartcat said...

Not sure what I did, or did not do, but you have been erased as one of my followers. If you have decided not to follow me I'm okay with that.....just wanted you to know that it was not done on my end.

Natalie Thiele said...

Very cool idea!
I just remembered- you gave me one and told me to keep it moving. I'd better move it along. Thanks.

carter gillies said...

Bravo Joel! This is a great idea! I had discussed this with Scott Cooper a while back, but I chickened out. Maybe after the holiday sales when I can assess my overflow of pots better.

Do you have more info on the C.U.P.S. project? I couldn't find anything in a quick g00gle search. I just knew I wasn't the first to come up with this idea for some guerrilla art distribution.

Good luck, and have fun!

Tracey Broome said...

This is the coolest thing ever! I love that skull cup! Bravo....

Ron said...

Sounds fun. Love all these cups! I may have to hand out a few pots myself, or leave them to be found. Would be great to have hidden cameras.