Friday, December 30, 2011

Jason Burnett Workshop

Odyssey Center for the Ceramic Arts summer 2012 workshop with Jason Burnett

Graphic Clay: Cut, Copy And Paste, July 23- 27

Using two simple materials: slip and newsprint paper, we will introduce layers of information and texture onto our clay surfaces. Through silkscreen printing, cutting, copying and pasting we will dissect, transform, and manipulate our drawings, patterns, and images while creating exciting new exteriors. But there's no stopping us there! We'll use simple digital techniques to make decals and photocopy transfers. Computers NOT required, but one can come in handy! Jason is a very generous teacher who will guide and inspire you to carry your work to new levels you have not imagined.

Intermediate/ Advanced
Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm
$495 Tuition ($55 Lab)

It's on my wish list...

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