I had it written plain and to the point on my note card...
"(15) yunomi, (8) 2.5lb canisters"
With a foot note underlined...
"Keep it simple!"

Easy in, easy out... no problem.
But I'm still waiting for my infinite switch to arrive, and I'm down to the last bag and a half of
unused clay before busting into processing the 6 buckets of foot clay... it smells like feet ya know?
So a shelf full of leather-hard ware and is just begg'n for some attention.
First it starts with just one, then a second... a third seems like a good idea, and the during the fourth I'm thinking about the fifth... by then I'm just coasting and enjoying the flow while going for broke.

I just can't leave it alone!
hehe lovely!
Yep! I so get this!
Simple....wishful thinking- feet clay!
I thought maybe you are talking about all the trimming from the feet of the pots....:)!
sometimes I don't know when to leave my pieces alone, I am curious, at what stage and how do you remove the nubbies from the sgraffito fish without disturbing the slip design?
Hey Linda, I'll knock the nubbins down when it's just short of bone dry. The slip design is fairly stable... fairly.
Ha, I just made a list in my date book and wrote 'don't panic' under it and underlined it a few times.
DO notes to ourselves ever REALLY work? ;-)
i think that "not being able to leave it alone" thing is a good thing to have... i dig the fish. btw, i saw this guy and thought you'd like the sculptures. maybe you know his work already, it's not clay and it's not steam punk but you share some iconography... hope you like it... http://kuksi.com/artworks/sculpture/
Do you listen to Portishead? You should.
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