Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Final Finish of this Summers "Hands in Clay" Exhibition

What a great ending to this month's roster of SJPotter's Guild events! Bruno Kark and Tom Collins gave a top notch day long workshop in Joe Mariscal's ceramics room at Delta Community College.

What a fantastic day! Everyone had a blast to watching both of these amazing artists sharing many of their insights on throwing large. Admittedly though... I'm still finding a guilty pleasure in a long day spent listening to older more experienced studio artist's retelling their personal stories from the past 30 years of first hand art history. Oral history has always been a very decadent pleasure for me, but I'm beginning to see it as an "US Magazine" kind of thing. (I'm a total sucker for the old Volkus stories). There is so much West Coast history that you just can't find between the covers of Ceramics Monthly

I really would like to take this opportunity to thank the other principal organizers for this event... Gary Carlos, Joe Mariscal, Jeri Ross, Don Hall, Kathy White, John Nagle, but most importantly… I really want to thank Bruce Cadman for all of his help in keeping me motivated in getting this event off the ground!

Hey… the next event will be even better!
PS... Bruno, I'm telling you... the next big thing is going to be on-line nude ikebana vase throwing... I think you could really set the pace on this one... get in on it now and you'll define the whole movement!

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