Monday, March 16, 2015


I'm sure a few people were wondering what was with the flowery bullshit that I posted a few days ago.
Well, quite frankly, this is the kind of flowery bullshit that dribbles out of my head while I mow and hoe my baseball field.
It's a bit of a quite life.

A fantastic... quite life.
Granted, I may not get to be in my studio 8 to 10 hours a day like I'd prefer, making work, filling orders, you know, doing all the glory work...

But I do get to spend a wonderful day living a full life in my own head, daydreaming about making my daydreams real...

Working in the studio,
Sitting on the porch playing my fiddle,
cooking a good meal with my kids,
Loving my partner..

I know full well, daydreams can be made real.

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