Sunday, November 30, 2014

Kick'n the Corpse

 I want to say "Thank You" to everyone who chimed in to help solve my body bloating problem firing this cone 6 Cassius Clay body off.
Simply slow firing to cone 5 worked very well.
My white liner didn't mature at 5 so I refired to 6. I was wondering how this would work out, but the body did just fine in the refire. 
Unfortunately, the liner glaze went south.

This was supposed to be a toasted marshmellow glaze.
Strike two...
I'll post the Marshmallow glaze once I figure out WTFH happened.

I actually kind of like the effect of the messed up liner.
Personally, I enjoy something joltingly different, and because the claybody is perfectly fine. I'll just grind and sand the interrior and lip to see how this changes the works' grace.

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