Friday, March 25, 2011

3 and a Half Handmade Minutes

Cold and rainy out in the studio, but gotta keep moving forward or work starts dying on the shelf.


Hyla said...


ang design said...

as much satisfaction as peeling skin..:P oooh ang gross!!! I love these vids

carter gillies said...

Magical how the designs reveal themselves! I couldn't quite tell, but are the crows pressed in deeper than the surface? Beautiful Work!

FetishGhost said...

Carter, good eye... the crows are pressed in deeper. I just recently started using the plastic ends left over from cutting out billets of paper stencils too create recessed designs in the surfaces.
I like where this is headed!

Unknown said...

That's an interesting perspective for the viewer.. I feel like I'm working on your pottery. ;) I really love watching these... magic! :)

Park Girl said...

Absolutely love this piece - the birds! I'll be checking etsy.

Natalie Thiele said...

Love it! Great to be able to watch the process and see the images emerge.

jim said...

fun video joel, when i was in college my friend and i used to tape our paper to a drawing board and when we were done we would peel the tape off to reveal a nice clean border around the piece and see the drawing for the first time. we referred to this as "pulling off the tape" and used the phrase to describe the last act of any phase of work that allows us to see what we've been anticipating. your pulling off of the tape (stencils) makes me think of that and i can see why you like to do it so much.