Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Image Transfer and Carving

This is just a hint at why I smile...

Hard Lesson

The hardest thing I've had to learn over the course of this year is the value of stopping believing in someone that I love in order to force them learn to believe in themself. 

Unfortunately that someone was me....

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Peeking in Our SideDoor

It ain't pretty folks, but happiness ain't always what you've been told what it'd be...

FireFlies Bones & Angels

Rolling through the mill...

Bones and Angels

My kids have spoiled me rotten with their lessons. 
I watch them draw and fill space without expectation or worry about someone elses rules. 
Lines can wander, have secret meaning...
They can play...
They don't tell you what to see, they suggest meanings without being direct.

Mine the gold where we sit...
Isn't this what we went to school to learn?