Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Garage Sale!

It's the relaunch of PortCity Mud! 
This time on Etsy!

Jessica Fong has been busy, busy, busy around here sorting through boxed work, re-shooting photos, and writing, and posting work up to a new Etsy site

We're running a "garage sale" on the site, running through June. This discounts orphaned works found squirreled away in dusty boxes.

I'm not going to shy away from saying that there's a lot of fun work that's finding its way in to postings.

Check it out and be on the ground floor supporting a new special start-up.



I celebrate every day I find myself standing next to you...

Thursday, May 22, 2014


A small wish for the weekend...

Awaiting flowers to brighten the porch.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Well we lost a whole load of work. 
The whole thing... (Who says electric is trouble free?) Nothing but shards now.
The cone 5 Laguna Cassius Clay bloated horribly. We have a few ideas why it might have thumbed its nose at us, but we're totally curios if anyone has any solutions.

Friday, May 9, 2014


Keep It Simple Silly 

Just play...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Passing Through

 I wish to speak of a Life. 

A Life that passes though me

Not around me...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Settling for a Daydream

 I kind of wish I could say that this was part of a "End of the Year" load of finished work that was moving me towards a degree.
A simple degree is still a fantasy though.

Greenware of Fiddler

Until then I'll settle for pushing greenware through the studio and seeing what happens next and happily settling for a nice daydream.