Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Looking for the Silver Lining

Found it... 
Sometimes we gotta chase the blues away with the work at hand.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Time to Move Along

Along with the winter rain comes my shift in mood. For 5 years it coincides with the drip, drip, drip of the studio roof and the slow flooding of the kiln room.

Old news...

This alone generally turns my mood glum as I'm forced to abandon my sanctuary, but this week my landlord informed me that she wants to renovate the house and needs us out. So it's time to pack up the cozy little studio and make a new go of it. I'm apprehensive to say the least, but in a very small, private way, I'm more than just a bit thrilled!

I have a new evil plan...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Here's a trap that's all to easy to fall into...

It's definitely not helpful to have your mother set the market value of your work...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Beggars Bowls

Getting beggars bowls made for this year's TideWater Souper Supper.

These are small bowls that have been thrown slightly thick for easy handling when full. 
This year, the event is giving me an opportunity to finally have a go at Jessica's hand cut footrings, and I love the results! It really helps contribute to the feeling of "swagger" I've been moving towards over the past few months.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Night Platter

Got a chance Saturday to shoot an over the shoulder look at an "up and coming" local talent.
Jessica Fong makes play look easy...

It's so much fun to have studio mates again!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Riusuke Fukahori

Watch... dream... drool...

I'm looking for a link to Riusuke's website, no luck so far. Little help?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Misting enough water to 12 pounds of clay while applying paper stencils over a hour and a half is a bad idea for work that can't structurally take it.

I trimmed the shoulder too thin to take the rush of process. Guess I need to cycle work and drying cycles better or learn to work with even less water.
Live and learn.

Slow Consistentcy and Clearing Deck

Finished up spending the past few days getting to help Tara, Jessica, and Trent finish tiding up the UOP clay studio for tomorrow's first day of class.

All the fun stuff...
grinding more kiln shelves, applying fresh coats of kiln wash, vacuuming out the kilns, mopping and hosing the floor, general organizing, moving piles either towards the recycling clay bins or to the dumpster, and moving everything around for good measure.


It's simple work that's easily enjoyed with a good crew. (Thanks Jess for leading by example, the studio looks great!)

Now I can load the bisque kiln guilt free.

Only 300 pounds of clay got thrown over the past 3 weeks, ended up loading around 120 into the kiln though. (I'm getting much better at culling work as it's still wet.) 3 weeks with 20 canisters bisque to show for it... damn, times have quickly changed.

Still, I'll gladly take slow consistency any day.

Post-it Notes

Loosely thrown flaired cylinder,
sprigged firefly motif,

Cutting a Foot Ring by Hand

Studio mate, Jessica Fong, let me shoot a quick demo of her approach to hand cutting a foot ring using a head loop tool and a banding wheel this week.

The result is a very elegant and striking foot.

Hopefully you'll be seeing more and more of this young talent over the next few months.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Oh, the Places You'll Go !

The life we live is a life lived by choice... 
It's ours to choose so live with a voice...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Steal like an Artist

Austin Kleon is the writer and artist who penned this brilliant list of advice for the creative mind.
Check out his original Blog Post you'll definitely find yourself nodding along.